Shoe 1

Quidem magni unde sit dolore aut id iure deleniti. Eum repudiandae omnis autem adipisci nisi officiis recusandae tempore non. Minima eos quia esse consequatur.

Shoe 2

Quidem magni unde sit dolore aut id iure deleniti. Eum repudiandae omnis autem adipisci nisi officiis recusandae tempore non. Minima eos quia esse consequatur.

Shoe 3

Quidem magni unde sit dolore aut id iure deleniti. Eum repudiandae omnis autem adipisci nisi officiis recusandae tempore non. Minima eos quia esse consequatur.

Full width Fade in content

Product showcase

Product images with a short product description and button. Overlapping content on large screens and stacked on small (using a Source grid).

A nice feature of this setup is that (on large devices) we can see the previous and next slides but have the navigation arrows contained within the container's set max-width.